Standpipe Waste Retrieval System (SWRS)


My role: Working in conjunction with 7 other engineers on the full site retrieval, I did the engineering, design and drawings of welded containment structure, the trolley system for moving nuclear waste to a shielded container, and various other sub-systems of multiple remote manipulators.

Time allocated: 18 months

Deliverables: Engineering, design and build package.

Requirements: As part of the Whiteshell decommissioning project, radioactive waste needs to be removed from 171 in-ground standpipes in a safe and reliable manner. With the exact contents of the radioactive waste unknown, remote-operated equipment is needed to safely extract decades-old tools, debris and liquids contained within each standpipe. As the site is an open field, the equipment must be properly designed to operate outdoors. Furthermore, the systems must sufficiently contain radioactive contamination, provide the required radiation protection, and condition the exhaust generated during decommissioning activities to prevent release of radioactive contamination to the environment.